Within seconds the scan uncovers what’s going on behind unwanted symptoms
Our advanced scanning technology helps you gain back control of your own energy, health and wellbeing
NES technology is based on 30 years of scientific research. In just seconds, the holistic health scan measures the health of the body-field as it relates to your:
Energy: Showing how well powered the body’s organs and systems are, and where energy pathways are blocked.
Information: Showing information distortions in your body’s master control system, the body-field.
Nutrition: Showing challenges in absorption and metabolic processes and food sensitivities, from the body-field’s perspective.
Environment: Showing functional damage to the body-field related to environmental factors, toxins, and EMFs as well as the body-field’s ability to handle their impact when present.
Emotions: Showing energy imbalances around core emotions, beliefs, identity and the ability to create and be effective in life. It can also identify energetic distortions related to past shocks and traumas, that may still be presenting as conflicts and impacting both physical and emotional wellness.
Then it shows exactly how you can get your body-field functioning well again to support your capacity to heal.
Fast and simple
The scan is easy to do, non-invasive and painless. It’s done using a hand-scanner or voice scan. You don’t need to do any special preparation beforehand. It takes a highly-detailed snapshot of your bioenergy from exactly where you’re at.
Scan from home
Gone are the days when you had to travel miles to access good holistic health treatments and practitioners. Voice-scan technology lets you scan from home using your smartphone or computer. You don’t even have to get out of your bed if you can’t, or don’t want to.
Your scan review with Joy can also be done from home remotely by Zoom or Skype, and your infoceutals can be delived directly through your letterbox.
It is truly holistic in nature and assesses the quality of your energy from many perspectives. Your optimum health relies on many factors, and it’s important to give yourself the conditions you need to be well at all levels – physical, emotional, mental, and environmental.
The scan results often shine a light on things that you didn’t even consider, then it shows exactly what you can do to restore your health and energy.
With my help you’ll be able to see which infoceuticals to take, what miHealth settings to use, and what lifetyle changes you need to make for best results. It takes the guesswork out of what you need to do to start feeling better.
NOTE: The scan is bioenergetic in nature and doesn’t diagnose specific medical or mental health conditions, nutritional deficiencies etc. Bioenergetic health services do not replace the need for medical care. All medical health concerns should be reported to your G.P. or other appropriate medical professional.
Book Your Health Scan Now