This powerful healing device is designed to release stress and re-tune your energy for mental, physical and emotional health support.

MiHealth owners can enjoy using their device every day to help them deal with whatever life throws at them. You can use it for sports recovery, emotional support, a study aid, bedtime buddy, travel companion, confidence booster, energy booster, immune booster, meditation aid and pain reliever.
It’s like the swiss army knife of health gadgets, combining and improving upon several proven health-supporting technologies. It uses PEMF, SCENAR, and bioidentical microcurrents to carry the NES body-field healing information into your own body. (Yes, I know it sounds very ‘Star Trekky’)
There are over 100 different settings to address anything that needs support. For example:

You can get ‘just-in-time’ emotional and mental support using items in the ‘Mind’ folder.
Just set the timer, start the device, put it in your pocket and it works in the background as you get on with your day.

In the Wellbeing folder there are settings to support healthy aging.
Aspects of health like immunity, sleep, memory, and digestion can all weaken as we age. The miHealth gives you an easy way to avoid premature deterioration in these areas.
I’ve enjoyed using it for my daily health care and even sleep with it! (yes, it’s safe and designed for that). I’ve used it at the dentist and with the dog to stop him from freaking out at the vets. I’ve used it with friends, family and other health practitioners and can confidently say it’s the best and most comprehensive ‘magic healing gadget’ I’ve seen. It does some really cool healing stuff and it’s fun to use – when you’ve learned how.
I use it in my practice with clients alongside their scan. After experiencing the miHealth for themselves some choose to buy their own, and all have enjoyed the benefits and convenience of being able to treat themselves daily in a time efficient way. It can be used as a very ‘lazy way’ of giving yourself targetted daily self-care and bioenergetic health support. Watch the short video introduction below
You can’t buy a miHealth ‘off the shelf’ as a consumer device. You have to purchase one through a qualified NES practitioner like me. When you do I can teach you how to use it safely and properly at home, for you and your family (including pets) for your best results.
Contact me for more details. You can then decide if the miHealth is the kind of health support you need to manage your life more easily.