The ‘Feel Goods’ are a range of 19 Infoceuticals for people who want safe, drug-free support with issues like anxiety, stress, weightloss, confidence, sleep, energy, low mood or foggy brain.
You can buy them directly for daily use without needing a scan. As their name implies they’re all designed to make you feel good by supporting your energy in different ways.
They contain bioenergy and information to support your body to heal itself. They’re free from alcohol, drugs/chemicals, stimulants, hormones, uppers, downers or anything that might interfere with other health treatments. They aren’t addictive and can be safely taken by most people.
Use them for daily support, keep some in your first aid kit to use when needed. You can even get creative, mix them and throw an alcohol-free Feel Good cocktail party!
Learn about the full range below:

ENERGY – For people who need an energy boost.
Supports energetic depletion due to overwork, chronic illness, mental exhaustion, stress, toxic exposure, malnutrition, or poor breathing.
Can be used before or after sport to boost your energy, performance and recovery. Also useful for relieving fatigue from detox or healing reactions.

SLEEP – For people who want to reset their sleep cycle.
Promotes a balanced sleep cycle and optimal regulation of the body’s natural rhythms. Harmonises your entire energy field.
It’s not a sedative, is non-addictive and doesn’t stimulate hormones. Use 3-4 times throughout the day with last dose before bed to reset sleep cycle.

DAY – For people who want to feel brighter and have more energy and drive during the day.
Helps the cells to produce, store and use energy from sunlight. It supports a ‘sunnier outlook’ on life.
This is usually taken first thing in the morning and/or during the day to help you ‘get moving’.

YOUTH – For people who want healthy ageing support and to avoid premature mental deterioration.
This supports healthy brain function and hormone production. Can help correct the long-term exposure to harmful radiation from the sun and electro-magnetic fields. Helps us to look and feel younger with an active mind and clearer memory.

ESR – Emotional Stress Release – For people who want help letting go of emotional stress.
Can be used as ‘first aid’ when going through stressful situations or stuck in bad moods. Helps us process change. Supports detoxing and makes the healing process more manageable in chronic conditions.
Especially calming and soothing for the digestive tract and assists in the absorption of nutrients.

CHILL – For people who can’t relax due to accumulated stress and traumas that have built up over time.
Encourages a calm mental state by helping process backlogs of emotional and sensory data from overload and ’emotional tape loops’. Particularly helpful when a person’s abilities have become compromised by constant long-term stress or trauma. Very calming and supports restful sleep.

PEACE – For people who want a calm, clear mind
Enhances communication between the head and heart. Supports mental clarity and honesty with oneself by helping transform confusing conflicts we get between our logical thoughts, memories and emotions.
Helps maintain a sense of calm and clarity when dealing with difficult and/or confusing situations.

CFI – Cold, Flu & Immunity – For people who want to accelerate their body’s natural recovery from colds and flu symptoms.
Supports the lungs, immunity and helps relieve fatigue. Keep this in store and take at the first signs of infection. It doesn’t suppress symptoms. Contains the energy and information needed to heal and speed up recovery. Use with ESR for greater effects.

REJUV – Physical Rejuvenation – For people who want to speed up recovery after sports or injury.
Energetically rejuvenates the body following sport or strenuous physical activity, after physical injury, impact or shock. Aids tissue regeneration and muscle recovery, enhances muscle tone and eases muscle strain, swelling and trauma. May be applied topically to areas of injury or pain.

NIGHT – For people who want their body to rest, repair and burn fat more efficiently at night.
Supports the parasympathetic ‘rest and repair’ nervous system. Helps protect against electromagnetic radiation and artificial light pollution while you sleep. It also helps the body sync with natural circadian rhythms, and produce melatonin and DHEA at night. Use in the hours of darkness before sleeping.

EMF – Electromagnetic Fields – For people who want to concentrate and feel better around technology.
EMF corrects body-field damage from radiation exposure (computers, mobile devices, WIFI etc.) leading to poor concentration, headaches, heart palpitations, blood pressure variation or immunity depletion. Improves body-field’s ability to deflect electromagnetic frequencies. Can be used topically on hands, back of neck and other places of exposure.

LOVE – For people feeling down on themselves and disconnected from sources of unconditional love.
Promotes feelings of unconditional unity, acceptance and love for oneself and others. Supports personal transformation and helps clear the crown chakra. Helps us develop a healthy sense of self-love required for deep healing, especially from chronic illness. Also useful for family gatherings/ difficult people.

FAT MET – Fat Metabolism – For people who want a healthy way to get rid of excess fat.
Energetically normalises liver function and hormonal activity to encourage correct fat metabolism of fat. Also supports the nervous system and appetite regulation.
Not a stimulant nor appetite suppressant. Supports other weight loss efforts through diet and exercise. Great to use alongside LOVE

FEMALE – For woman who want to feel more emotionally balanced and socially confident.
Supports correct female endocrine function to enhance social abilities, attractiveness, sexual function and personal charisma. Engenders confidence, willpower, social warmth and a general feeling of wellbeing.
Helps to support woman through hormonal changes that affect mood, energy and self-esteem.

MALE – For men who want to feel more emotionally balanced and socially confident.
Supports correct male endocrine function to enhance social abilities, attractiveness, sexual function and personal charisma. Engenders confidence, willpower, social warmth and a general feeling of wellbeing.

PL – Polarity – For people who want to resore their energy after travelling, hospital visits or illness.
Corrects energetic distortions from air travel, over exposure to electromagnetic fields, chronic illness and geopathic stress. Realignment of the polarity of the body field promotes positive health changes, and helps physical and emotional detoxification. Especially useful for jetlag.

HEART DRIVER – For people who want to improve their decision making and self-esteem.
Supports the heart field as it relates to decision making processes, mental clarity and integration, identity and self-esteem. Helps regulate emotions and has a beneficial effect on the skin tone and appearance.
Helps people feel younger, brighter and clearer.

HEART IMPRINTER – For people who want to think clearly and feel positive emotions.
Energetically enhances the heart’s ability to imprint nervous system information onto the bloodstream. Helps re-establish the head-heart connection promoting mental clarity and an overall positive outlook.

NERVE – For people who want to calm their nerves.
Supports the nervous system to help deal with worries and prolonged stress. Helps to calm the system, and helps to digest, detox, and get restful sleep.
Helps to rebalance and restore energy and the integrity of the whole nervous system through releasing chronic patterns of nervous tension.

To get your own Feel Goods either contact me or register with my online practice shop. These can’t be bought in chemists or health food shops, only through qualified NES Bioenergetic Health practitioners like me. I can help you with appropriate dosing so you can get the feel good benefits more quickly.
These infoceuticals can be used to support family members of all ages, even our pets. Doses and applications vary. I will help and guide you.